On May 7, 2013 Boston Mayor Menino testified at a Mass Legislation hearing on pending Charter School Legislation and other education legislation that he and others proposed. The proposed legislation increases the number of charter schools and in-district charter schools allowed as well as converting 48 level 3 schools into level 4 schools as well as other provisions. At the hearing Mayor Menino practically begged the charter schools to take over BPS Schools and gave them a complete license to over run many existing schools. I find this to be outrageous as well as the manner in which he stated it. A Boston Public Schools news release brags about Mayor Menino's stance and plea to the charter schools. Below is an excerpt from the testimony as stated in the May 8, 2013 BPS News Release:
' Mayor Menino also issued a challenge to charter school operators in
attendance: “Come take over a BPS school and make it an In-District
charter. You’ll have the building, you’ll be able to teach the kids who
are already in the school, and they won’t have to wait for something
better. Just promise that you’ll educate all of our kids, in the schools
that need you now, and we are ready to move.” '
The tone and manner of his testimony I find to be very offensive. You hear among Mayor Menino's supporters and political machine that his policies and actions have been great for education in Boston. I believe that history will show in the future that his pro charter school policies, his opening the doors wide open to the privatization of the public schools, and his teacher union busting ultimately have led to a terrible decline in quality education in Boston.
Below is a screen capture from the BPS May 8, 2013 news release:
Here is the link to the full BPS May 8, 2013 news release. You will see the above quote in the last paragraph of the release.
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